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Printable Student Grade Sheet

Printable Student Grade Sheet

During the semester, record the students' scores onto a grade sheet - See the Grading Sheet in the Downloads section.


How to Use the Grading Sheet

To use the grade sheet, first insert the names of your students.


Next, type in the areas of assessment at the top, and designate the percentage each is worth.


Then, as you input the students' scores, the grade sheet will keep track of the total score.


This provides an easy to read spreadsheet for yourself and for your school, if you have to turn it in.


How to Assess students

When designing a classroom management plan, you have to think about how you will assess your students throughout the semester.


Possible ways to assess students might include classwork, participation, homework, presentations, class notes, journals, and exams.


ESL Assessment Example

Once you decide how to assess the students, break up the different areas into percentages. This is an assessment example for a university course I taught in China.


Homework          10%

Participation        15% 

Mid-term exam    25%

Final exam          50%


Remember to inform the students on how they will be assessed on the first day of class.

Grading Sheet

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