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Student Feedback Form

Student Feedback Form

As part of your classroom management plan, you should include handing out an anonymous student feedback form after three to four lessons.


Why is a Student Feedback Form important?

It is best to not wait too long in order to address potential problems before they become out of hand.


The student feedback allows the students to express their feelings about the class, whether good or bad.


Often students will keep quiet if they are dissatified in fear of getting a bad grade.


Then, at the end of the semester, it is shocking to find out the students' true feelings on the official school-issued feedback results.


Besides students' negative feelings, the student feedback form is also a great opportunity for the students to suggest topics they would like to learn in future lessons and activities, or discussions they would like to try.


What to do with the Feedback

After conducting the student feedback, highlight common concerns and discuss possible changes as a class.


If student suggestions are implemented, then the students will feel more motivated and be more interested because they have contributed to their learning.


See the Downloads section for an example of a Student Feedback Form. You can use this form in your class, or use the ideas to make your own. 

Student Feedback Form

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