Do I Need ESL Training To Teach English?
May 4, 2016
One of the myths or misconceptions that I have heard over the years is that if you can speak a language, you can teach it. If you are working as an ESL/EFL teacher now, you know that this is not true.
If you are interested in becoming an ESL/EFL teacher, training is a must! Being an effective teacher of English requires many skills that are developed over time.
ESL/EFL teachers have different levels of training which may include a 5 day course, certificate, diploma, undergraduate or a graduate degree. As an ESL teacher for the past 20 years, I can’t stress enough the value of continuing to develop your professional skills by enrolling in additional ESL training.
I believe that it is important to plan ahead for CPD (continuing professional development) no matter how much training we have had. If you are considering teaching English as a career, the first step is to enroll in an ESL teacher training program.
If you are working abroad now, it may not be possible to enroll in a course locally. However, there are some very good online options that provide training for ESL/EFL teachers through videos and online seminars.
3 Options for ESL Training
1. International Teacher Development Institute
This institute offers a variety of courses either online or in class such as the TESOL/TEFL Teacher Skills Certification program.
Their courses are specifically designed to help teachers in several ways such as to begin or advance their careers, continue to develop as teaching professionals, and/or improve in specific areas (e.g., grammar, young learners) of ESL/EFL classroom teaching.
2. Canadian College of Educators
This Canadian-based school offers face-to-face TESL courses but also offer a 100-hour TESOL Certificate that can be taken online.
The online course has been specifically designed for people who are considering teaching abroad and/or already teaching overseas and need an accredited TESOL credential from a North American institute.
They also offer a variety of other interesting online courses such as curriculum development, teaching business or travel/tourism English.
3. International TEFL Academy
The International TEFL Academy offers an online 170 hour TEFL/TESOL Certification Course, which includes 20 teaching hours. They also offer in-class training at 25 countries around the world.
There are many other options available for teachers of English, which makes ESL training accessible no matter where you are in the world. Whether you are considering English teaching as a career, are a new teacher or veteran, we can always find ways to improve our professional skills.
I am sure that you agree that our students deserve to be taught by knowledgeable and skilled teachers.